About us

The Treviso - Ostiglia cycle path is coordinated, maintained, and promoted by a Managing Body appointed by the Veneto Region through Regional Council Act 1403/2021. This role has been entrusted to the Federation of Camposampierese Municipalities, which, through its Tourist Office, promotes the development of the path for tourism purposes. The Managing Body plays a coordinating role and implements the regional strategy regarding the maintenance of the path and its tourism promotion.

The area of competence extends between the municipalities of Treviso and Montegalda, covering approximately 60 of the current 85 km available. Therefore, the tourist information provided on this website refers to the mentioned area. The role of the Managing Body is carried out on behalf of a network of entities and municipalities adjacent to the path, specifically including:

  • Veneto Region,
  • Sile River Park Authority,
  • Federation of Camposampierese Municipalities,
  • Municipality of Trebaseleghe,
  • Municipality of Campo San Martino,
  • Municipality of Curtarolo,
  • Municipality of Piazzola sul Brenta,
  • Municipality of Campodoro,
  • Municipality of Grisignano di Zocco,
  • Municipality of Montegalda (only for tourism promotion).

The Federation was established on January 1, 2011, from the merger of the Union of Camposampierese Municipalities and the Union of Alta Padovana, and it includes the municipalities of Borgoricco, Campodarsego, Camposampiero, Santa Giustina in Colle, San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Loreggia, Massanzago, Piombino Dese, Villa del Conte, and Villanova di Camposampiero, performing various administrative, managerial, and development functions.

Initiatives related to creating a coordinated image for the cycle path are financed by the Veneto Regional Authorities as part of the promotion and enhancement of the Venice Bike System pursuant to article 2.3 and thanks to the contribution of Regional Law 35/2019 financed by Regional Committee Resolution 342 of 23/03/2021

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Concept, Design, Web

Sito internet

www.kumbe.it | info@kumbe.it

Team redazione sito internet

il sito internet è gestito da un team di uffici di informazione turistica che collaborano in interoperabilità in rete
IAT Camposampierese (www.valleagredo.it)
IAT Treviso (https://www.visittreviso.it/)
IAT Cittadella (https://www.visitcittadella.it/)


Mattedo Danesin (http://www.matteodanesin.it/)


Matteo Menapace, Videoe20 (https://www.videoe20.net/)

Logo Brand Identity

Manuel Bottazzo http://manuelbottazzo.com/

Feratel Media DMS



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